Friday, September 11, 2009

Dazed and Confused

Well in my step forward step back, game I have been playing, the one I thought ended took anther turn. I wake up to a call from my Mom asking if I have read my email this morning? (Note: Yes I have given my Mom my password and she is checking my email too, for Russian information.) First I am blurry eyed trying to digest that I am still asleep at 7:50 when I need to be getting the kids up and ready for school 30 mins ago, 2 My Mom is going off about yet more incorrect paperwork from Russia and we needed to go to Olympia again! Call HS guy and get on the move ASAP! All of this in a very fuzzy cloud of morning goow! Well several hours later and lots of emails panic and tears later, it was a mistake and they should have what they are looking for in Russia at the office of the Agency. Since by the time I got the email it was 8am PST, 11am est and that is where my agency is, and after 9pm in Russia on a Friday Night, now I offer more money for them to drive to the agency in Russia to confirm that the pictures are in fact on the desk.but that does me no good. No one can recall them being there. I KNOW I sent them. So they told me to "relax", me and my psychotic Mom!

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